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简介sharp手机vodofone_sharp手机遥控器       希望我能够为您提供一些关于sharp手机vodofone的信息和知识。如果您有任何疑问或需要进一步的解释,请随时告诉我。1.我想在新西兰买一台iphone2.HTC G12 去澳大




2.HTC G12 去澳大利亚可以使用吗?







       ipone 8g 黑 原$979 16G 黑 原$1129 16G白 原$1129

       40元每月$499 $649 $649

       60元每月$449 $599 $599

       80元每月$399 $549 $549

       120元每月$199 $349 $349


HTC G12 去澳大利亚可以使用吗?




       (我举个例子,如果你的供应商是Vodofone, 在google 下查:how to check my internet usage for vodofone account;

       如果英文好,直接对着手机问:ok google, 当话筒标识出现后,说出你的问题)



       HTC G12支持wcdma和gsm,所以不能用电信卡








        02.数码相机或DV。世界 40% 的文化遗产在意大利,其名胜古迹不计其数,可以说是旅游的天堂。学习之余,到处转转,必定让你大开眼界。




        06.手机。国内带的GSM支持双频的手机(CDMA的手机不可以)在意大利都可以用。在意有三大手机运营商: Wind, Tim 和 Vodofone。还有3G业务的TRE公司。有一种“天天卡”可以直接用wind卡的手机打,5欧可以打国内100分钟,很便宜。Wind手机可以接收国内发来的短信,但不能回过去。这边买手机虽然和国内价格差不多,但不可以接受中文短信,会出现乱码。

        07.电饭煲。从国内带一个最小的煮一个人饭的质量好一点的,好带一点的电饭煲很有必要,在罗马,都是大电饭煲, 30-40 欧,质量还不怎么样。在小城市,由于没有中国店,想买还买不到。

        08.MP3或者带录音功能的U盘,带一个功能全一点的质量好一点的 MP3 绝对必要,要有录音功能,这样可以将上课内容录下来;带收音功能,这样随时可以听广播,练听力非常好。













       1、It said the collapse inthe country's banking system would produce a "very sharp" recession.央行称,冰岛国内银行系统的崩溃会引发“很严重的”经济萧条。

       2、His ear for dialogue is keen, and his language is often sharp and unique.他对对话有敏锐的把握,他的语言常常是锋利而又别具一格。

       3、Is there any doubt about this ongoing inflation capitulation and the beginning of sharp deflationary forces?有任何疑问这种持续通货膨胀投降并开始急剧通货紧缩的力量?

       4、But, for all the talk of pan-European solidarity, one cost of this credit-line will be a sharp increase in political tensions within the EU.然而,尽管人们在谈论泛欧团结的话题,上述信贷额度的成本之一,将是欧盟内部的政治紧张情绪大幅升级。

       5、In particular, he said the challenges embodied in the sharp rise in energy and commodity prices must be faced squarely.特别地,他说我们必须正视能源和大宗商品价格急剧攀升带来的挑战。


       sharp /?ɑ?p/ CET4 TEM4 (sharper,sharpest,sharps)

       1.ADJ A sharp point or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. Asharp knife, tool, or other object has a point or edge of this kind. 锋利的


       With a sharp knife, make diagonal slashes in the chicken breast.


       2.ADJ You can describe a shape or an object as sharp if part of it or one end of it comes to a point or forms an angle. 尖的


       His nose was thin and sharp.


       3.ADJ A sharp bend or turn is one that changes direction suddenly. 急剧的 (转弯)


       I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.



       ADV Sharp is also an adverb. 急剧地


       Do not cross the bridge but turn sharp left to go down on to the towpath.


       5.ADV 急剧地 sharply


       Room number nine was at the far end of the corridor where it turned sharply to the right.


       6.ADJ If you describe someone as sharp, you are praising them because they are quick to notice, hear, understand, or react to things. 机敏的表赞许


       He is very sharp, a quick thinker and swift with repartee.


       7.ADJ If someone says something in a sharp way, they say it suddenly and rather firmly or angrily, for example, because they are warning or criticizing you. (说话、措辞等) 严厉的


       "Don't contradict your mother," was Charles's sharp reprimand.


       8.ADV 严厉地 sharply


       "You've known," she said sharply, "and you didn't tell me?"


       9.ADJ A sharp change, movement, or feeling occurs suddenly, and is great in amount, force, or degree. (变化、动作等) 急剧的; (情感等) 剧烈的


       There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.


       Tennis requires a lot of short sharp movements.


       10.ADV 急剧地 sharply


       Unemployment has risen sharply in recent years.


       11.ADJ A sharp difference, image, or sound is very easy to see, hear, or distinguish. (差异、图像、声音等) 清晰可辨的


       Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals.


       All the footmarks are quite sharp and clear.


       12.ADV 清晰可辨地 sharply


       Opinions on this are sharply divided.


       13.ADJ A sharp taste or smell is rather strong or bitter, but is often also clear and fresh. (味道、气味等) 浓烈的


       The apple tasted just as I remembered – sharp, sour, yet sweet.


       14.ADV Sharp is used after stating a particular time to show that something happens at exactly the time stated. (…点) 整


       She planned to unlock the shop at 8:00 sharp this morning.


       15.N-COUNT Sharp is used after a letter representing a musical note to show that the note should be played or sung half a tone higher. Sharp is often represented by the symbol ?. 升半音


       A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp.








       sharp peak 蚺蛇尖 ; 尖锐的峰形图 ; 陡峰 ; 尖尖的山峰

       Sharp Ratio 回报风险指数 ; 夏普指数 ; 夏普比率 ; 夏普值

       Sharp Turn 急转弯 ; 急转 ; 小转弯 ; 快转弯

       Sharp bend 小半径弯头 ; 急弯 ; 突转弯头 ; [机] 锐角弯头

       Sharp edges 利边 ; 锐缘 ; 锐利边缘 ; 尖锐或锋利

       SHARP uomo 厦午

       sharp tuning [电子] 锐调谐 ; 锐党 ; 细调 ; 锐调

       sharp curet 锐刮匙

       SHARP HANDS 手部敏锐度练习?


       No, not this sharp one .


       No, not that blunt one. This sharp one.


       Vint is an outspoken guy with sharp mind, or I should rephrase it as one of the Great Minds in our time.

